Production and Manufacturing (உற்பத்தி-தயாரிப்பு)


  • 858 28th cross Street ShanthiNagar, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
  • 9489910778 04623554330
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GREENMAK is a total water management company with engineering capabilities to undertake and execute turkey solutions for water and Wastewater management. It offers integrated energy-efficient solutions for Water & Wastewater treatment for industrial and commercial applications. The range of solutions include biological, thermal, chemical and membrane based system to ensure high quality of water, complex effluent treatment and zero liquid discharge with recycle and reuse of waste water streams. We have an experienced team it has obtained expertise in sourcing, production, implementing new technologies etc. They work hard to provide the clients with the perfect solutions to get the clean water for different industrial, domestic and commercial purposes. Moreover they also keep them updated with the newest researches for offering the most excellent services.

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